Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Thursday, Feb. 6

50 Knee ups, lock hands behind head, lift left knee up high and connect with right elbow, switch to                   right knee and connect with left elbow, continue for 50 reps

30  Sec Plank

25 Quick lunges, hold hands straight up above head, go down in lunge position (left leg forward),                     quickly jump switching legs (now right leg forward).  Continue switching legs while staying                   low in lunge position

30 Sec Plank

20 Burpees with jump

30 Sec Plank

20 Wide leg push ups

30 Sec Plank

50 Mountain Climbers

Complete 3 Rounds

If ready, add one of the bonuses from a previous work out

Please begin commenting your name so I know who is completing each challenge


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Bailey! I just want to be sure students are doing these workouts, so as long as at least one student is, I will continue posting them.

  2. Mariah Heisterkamp! I did it last night, just forgot to comment my name!

    1. Thanks Mariah! Hope you are enjoying the workouts. I will continue posting them as long as you kids are benefiting from the exercises!
