Thursday, February 6, 2014

Friday, Feb. 7

20 Tricep push ups, hold arms close to body...when go down, be sure elbows squeeze your sides.

20 twists, bend legs and raise slightly off floor, lean back as far as you can comfortably go, twist upper body to each side.

20 Small shoulder circles, hold arms straight out, no bend at elbow...make 10 small circles forward, then switch for 10 small circles add more difficulty, add 5 lb weights or soup cans

20 Large shoulder circles, hold arms straight out, no bend at elbow...make 10 large circles forward, then switch for 10 large circles reverse

30 Sec plank on forearms

20 Chair dips, try dipping with legs straight rather than bent, adds a little extra level of difficulty

4 up 4 down pushups...stay in low pushup, slowly push self up for a count of 4, hold, slowly bring body back down for a count of 4...repeat for 8 reps

Killer abs...1 minute sit ups (any style you wish)...45 sec plank...30 sec sit ups (any style)...15 sec plank
1 minute sit ups (any style)...finish with 30 sec plank (can you plank for one minute???)

Repeat workout for 3 rounds

Add any bonus you wish

Be sure you are stretching after your workouts

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